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May 2022
Patrice Lawrence
Jane Elson
Jane Elson
June 2022
Burnham 1 (c) Donata Rio
A Living Almanac
Midnight Robber - Credit Kinetika
essex-authors-day-2022-image 3x2
Jane Elson
Sade Fadipe A Fun ABC 3x2
Popup storytelling armchair
Emily Kenny Extraordinary Adventures of Alice Tonks
organizers_bookshelf human library
Catherine Emmett King of the Swamp
Gary Jones
In Her Shoes Main image
Josie Dom and Lum covers
Sade Fadipe A Fun ABC 3x2
Sufiya Ahmed Princess Sophia Duleep
Nick Wickenden Hylands House
Fountain at Cressing Temple Barns
What! A Load of Rubbish 3x2
Colchester Writenight
July 2022
A Living Almanac
In Her Shoes Main image
Patrice Lawrence
In Her Shoes Main image
November 2022
Stand Up For Diversity shutterstock_1384812491
January 2023
Manifesto Youth Summit Coffee Cup 3x2
March 2023
Black and white silhouette image of a person with their mouth open inside a silhouette of a lion roaring
May 2023
June 2023
Photo of young people recording a podcast interview
Cover image of Britain's Living Seas book alongside photo of author, Hannah Rudd
Stand Up For Diversity shutterstock_1384812491
Photo of author Benjy Kusi alongside an image of Hope This Helps book cover
Image of book cover for St Peter on the Wall alongside a photo of St Peter-on-the-wall chapel
Text saying Myself Others and the Land painted onto three pieces cloth laid out on green grass
Popup storytelling armchair
Photo of author Abi Dare alongside image of The Girl With the Louding Voice book cover
July 2023
September 2023
Photo of young people recording a podcast interview
October 2023
January 2024
March 2024
May 2024
The Lodgers Holly Pester
June 2024
Beach of Dreams Flag Procession
Oak Galls
Beach of Dreams and James Canton
Human Library
Stand Up For Diversity shutterstock_1384812491
Writing Buddy Meet Up image
Raine Geoghegan, Richard O'Neill, Damian Le Bas and Louise Doughty
A Walk in JA Baker county Event Sold Out
Midsummer Madness
South Essex 300,000 years ago
Aloo o storytelling drums and Mancala
Goldilocks Let's All Dance
Elizabethan card players. Photo of Rob Eastaway and Much Ado About Numbers book cover
Helen Macdonald and Sin Blaché Livestream
August 2024