We are delighted that author Rob Eastaway will be joining us at our Midsummer Madness Family Fun Day to give a fun, interactive talk for ages 10+ on his book Much Ado About Numbers.
What’s the connection between Shakespeare and Numbers? A lot, as it turns out! Shakespeare grew up in a time when numbers were going through a revolution. His was the first generation in England to be taught about our modern “zero” digit – and he was fascinated by it. From astronomy to probability, music to multiplication, other new mathematical ideas were taking off too – and much of this was reflected in Shakespeare’s work.
In this fun, interactive talk Rob Eastaway explores the surprising and entertaining ways that maths and numbers crop up in Shakespeare’s plays. Find out how Tudors multiplied, why Shakespeare never ended a line with the word orange, and why dice-playing was a serious hazard for the unwary. With historical asides about games, optics, astronomy, music and magic, you might never think about maths or Shakespeare the same way again.
Rob is best known as the author of several bestselling popular maths books, including Why Do Buses Come in Threes? and Maths On the Back of an Envelope. He is a regular guest on the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less, with Tim Harford.
Part of our Midsummer Madness Family Fun Day. Pack your picnic and make a beeline for what promises to be a magical day at Cressing Temple Barns. Free parking, free entry and lots of free activities. All welcome.