
Ros Green

Festival Manager

Claire Buskin

Project Co-ordinator

Emma Kittle-Pey

Digital Media Assistant

Jesse Farrer-Graham

Our Trustees

Peter Donaldson (Chair of Board from 2022)
Sade Fadipe
Tony Fisher
Pat Gaudin
James MacDonald
Camilla Shestopal

Advisers to the Board

Maja Antoine-Onikoyi
Jo Coldwell
Marc De’ath
Seona Ford (Chair of Board from 2011 to 2022)
Rob Jelly
Sarah Moth
Kanyinsola Olanrewaju
Jules Pretty 
Louisa Steel
Philippa Stewart
Lu Williams

Thank you to our patrons

A.L. Kennedy
Sylvia Kent
Dave Monk
Sarah Perry
Brian Southall
Francis Wheen