Essex Libraries’ popular Essex Authors Day is back as part of the 2023 Essex Book Festival and will take place on Saturday 24th June.
There will be an exciting, quality programme of seminars and practical workshops consisting of six sessions, each 90 minutes duration, across the day, three at 10am -11.30, and three at 2pm – 3.30pm which will be held at Chelmsford Library, hosted in their Meetings Hub.
The aim is for the sessions to appeal to well established, emerging or aspiring would-be local authors, offering them advice and information, rather than promoting specific books.
There is a small booking charge (of £6) per seminar/workshop for attendees. Essex Libraries will therefore be able to offer you a fee of £45 for the session plus reasonable travelling expenses. Any surplus will help to cover the costs of the day. The capacity for each workshop/seminar is 20 places.
Essex Libraries are seeking submissions from writers who’d like to offer a seminar/writing workshop at the Essex Authors Day. If you’re interested in running a workshop, please submit a short description of what you’d like to present – keeping in mind that workshops are usually themed round aspects of writing or the publishing process.
Please send your submissions to author.events@essex.gov.uk by February 12th 2023.